

Vision for Diversity

Guided by the biblical narrative of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration, 澳门六合彩开奖记录资料 strives to pursue God’s redeeming work in the world by courageously and faithfully engaging the fullness of our similarities and differences in our learning and living together.

澳门六合彩开奖记录资料 equips members of the college community to think deeply about diversity, to act justly when they encounter injustices both locally and globally, and to live wholeheartedly as Christ’s agents of renewal, restoration, and reconciliation in the world.

We embrace diversity in God’s creation
  • seeking to reflect the diversity in the Body of Christ within our college community;
  • valuing each person as created in the image of the triune God and thus intended for community;
  • respecting the complexity of human identities; and
  • recognizing human difference as central to an education that fosters critical thinking, empathy,and dialogue.
We lament human brokenness
  • observing that individuals and social systems have and continue to oppress people locally and globally;
  • recognizing and repenting our past and current participation in unjust social systems;
  • grieving our thoughts, words and actions that diminish, caricature, or isolate one another;
  • repenting of both our actions and inactions that leave members of our community feeling unsafe or unwelcomed.
We reconcile with one another
  • bridging divisions that separate people from one another and from God;
  • partaking in courageous conversations where varied perspectives are welcome;
  • challenging unjust systems of power, privilege, and oppression; and
  • building and sustaining social structures that foster the common good and the Body of Christ.
We embody shalom
  • anticipating restored creation, where people from every nation, tribe and language worship God and live in harmony;
  • pursuing human flourishing in our relationships, curriculum, staffing, resource allocation and corporate actions;
  • affirming that all things hold together in Christ, to the glory of God, and through the working of the Holy Spirit; and
  • working alongside others with compassion, confronting our own and others’ injustice and sharing hope in Christ’s justice and mercy.


What does it mean to be part of a diverse community? How can we experience authentic inclusion? Sharing stories helps us to interpret these questions and respond to the world around us. The following quotes offer glimpses into the pursuit of diversity and inclusion in our community.

President Le Roy with students
My hope is that the Calvin community becomes increasingly marked by diversity, inclusive excellence, cultural competency, and global awareness. Affirming the fundamental Christian belief that all humans are made in the image of God, Calvin must address the sins of inequality and exclusion around race and ethnicity, and act toward a vision of shalom marked by racial and ethnic justice and reconciliation. Moving toward these objectives helps Calvin to achieve its FEN commitments and accomplish its primary work of preparing students for lives of renewal in an increasingly diverse world.” President Le Roy, 2013-14 Multicultural Affairs Committee report

“My hope is that the Calvin community becomes increasingly marked by diversity, inclusive excellence, cultural competency, and global awareness. Affirming the fundamental Christian belief that all humans are made in the image of God, Calvin must address the sins of inequality and exclusion around race and ethnicity, and act toward a vision of shalom marked by racial and ethnic justice and reconciliation. Moving toward these objectives helps Calvin to achieve its FEN commitments and accomplish its primary work of preparing students for lives of renewal in an increasingly diverse world.”
—President Le Roy, 2013-14 Multicultural Affairs Committee report


You’re invited to speak your experience and listen to the experiences of others. Following God and learning from our peers, we can live out the biblical principles of reconciliation as we fight the sin of racism and celebrate the diverse body of Christ.


At Calvin, many departments and people are working to strengthen and coordinate the university’s diversity and inclusion efforts.

Leadership for these efforts began at the top with our former University President, . President Le Roy frequently spoke about diversity and inclusion as an integral part of the university’s mission to equip students to think deeply, to act justly, and to live wholeheartedly as Christ’s agents of renewal in the world.

In 2013, the President’s office created a new position to promote diversity and inclusion efforts across the university. The Executive Associate to the President for Diversity and Inclusion provides oversight for efforts related to diversity and inclusion, and sits on the President’s Cabinet.

Beyond the President’s office, other areas of the university also provide leadership and oversight for diversity efforts among faculty, staff, and students.


Within the Academic Division, the Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion, the Executive Associate to the President for Diversity and Inclusion, and the Multicultural Affairs Committee, all work to ensure that multiculturalism, inclusive excellence, and global competency are woven into Calvin’s curriculum.


The Manager of Employment Services (Human Resources) works with programming that includes diversity training initiatives for all Calvin employees. The trainings assist staff members in becoming more culturally sensitive and in developing their cross-cultural skills.

Current Students

Both the Student Life Division and the Enrollment Management Division are key partners in Calvin’s diversity and inclusion efforts.

Within Student Life the Dean for Intercultural Student Development is a new role created to ensure that Calvin’s growing population of international and minority students receive opportunities and support to be able to reach their full potential and thrive at Calvin. Assisting the dean are the Assistant Dean for Multicultural Student Development, the Assistant Dean for International Student Development, and program coordinators.

Future Students

Within the Enrollment Management Division, the Director of College Access Programs, the Associate Director of International Admissions, along with several admissions counselors and program coordinators, help Calvin to recruit and retain a diverse student body.


No one member of our community can effectively work for diversity and inclusion alone. However, by working together through both trials and victories, we can create true change on our campus and around the world. Here are some resources to help you get connected.
