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With all
your mind

At Calvin, you will learn from inquisitive professors who are deeply committed Christians. With their world-class expertise, you will discover truth and a bold future. Along the way, you’ll ask lots of questions—and love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and mind.

Female student wading in Plaster Creek, examining a sample of water, holding it up to the sky.


With over 100 majors and programs, you鈥檙e bound to find something you love.

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A dramatic view looking up at the Calvin's Crossing bridge, with a perfect blue sky overhead.

Apply to Calvin

It all starts here! We accept applications on a rolling basis throughout the year. All completed applications receive equal consideration.

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A female and male student walking side by side down the Calvin's Crossing bridge, conversing with each other.

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Students huddled around, lighting sparklers with a beautiful evening sky behind them.

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Learn why Calvin鈥檚 dedication to faith and discovery have earned it the rank of #3 among regional Midwest universities.

Graduates in their robes, tossing their caps high into the air, laughing.

Costs & Financial Aid

Families from all economic backgrounds鈥攎any just like yours鈥攁re making Calvin work. Scholarships, grants and loans are the tools that make Calvin possible.

Explore financial aid & Scholarships How much does Calvin cost? 脳 CLOSE DRAWER

Academic Options

So, what would you like to study?

Consider your choices:

Business Business students walking down the hallway, talking

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Communication & Media Studies Female student working intently at her workstation

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Education Educations students learning in the classroom

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Health Sciences Nursing student meeting with a patient

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Humanities Holding an old manuscript

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Ministry Looking up at a giant cathedral exterior

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Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics A student peering through a telescope

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Social Sciences Flags of many nations flying

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World Languages & Cultural Studies Students performing traditional dance

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Study Abroad A student on a paddleboard in the ocean, silhouetted by the sun, watching the sunset.

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Quick Facts

degree icon 84%
Faculty who hold the highest degree in their field
microscope icon 175+
Students engaged in faculty research
suitcase icon 30+
Faculty-led study abroad options
education icon TOP 6%
Baccalaureate colleges whose graduates go on to earn research doctorates

Faculty Profiles

Real world research with expert faculty

Calvin’s Educational Framework

What a Calvin education really gives you

Learning that is deep, broad, and dynamic

At Calvin, you will learn how to think as a Christian—how to understand complex issues from a Christ-centered perspective, how to defend your beliefs, and how to express your creative solutions in a global culture.

Faith that is lived out courageously

Your Christian faith is deeper and more resilient when you ground it in biblical and theological truth. We welcome questions that seek understanding and challenge you to find your purpose in acts of justice, mercy, and love.

Citizenship that is grounded in Christian love

As followers of Christ, we use our hearts, minds, talents, and resources to be attentive and creative citizens of this world. At Calvin, you’ll develop cultural intelligence, become a faithful caretaker of God’s creation, and serve others with sacrificial compassion.

Vocation that is tuned to God’s call

A Calvin education will prepare you for more than a job that pays the bills. It will equip you with the habits, skills, and virtues that you need for a life that’s a response to God’s faithfulness.

Awards & Acclaim

Don’t just take our word for it

Calvin is ranked #4 overall among Midwest Regional Universities in U.S. News & World Report’s “Best Colleges Guidebook.”

Professors are 鈥渆xtremely talented, interesting, and connected in their specific fields.鈥 Instructors are also 鈥渕asters at integration of education and Christianity,鈥 making the classes at Calvin less about teaching the requisites for getting a job and 鈥渕ore about how to continue to learn about the field and how Christianity should figure into it.鈥

Fiske Guide to Colleges

鈥淐alvin students describe the overall academic environment as challenging but supportive [...] Calvin graduates have few problems getting accepted to graduate schools of law, medicine, or business.鈥

Calvin is included in 鈥淭he Best Colleges For Your Money,鈥 a list compiled based on educational quality, affordability, and career outcomes.


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