Find a job, discover your calling

You want a job after graduation, and we can help with that. But you want more—you want a life that goes beyond yourself, a life that is part of making change happen. Calvin can offer you the kind of Christian education that fills you with a deep sense of purpose—and makes you exactly the kind of person publishing companies, churches, schools, and law offices want to hire.

Related pages

Career Center
Find career planning and strengths assessment tools; set up a meeting with a career coach; search for internships and jobs; get resume help; attend job fairs and networking events.

Outcomes of a Calvin education

Quick Facts
  • 99.5%

    of 2016 grads are employed or in graduate school

  • 89.5%

    of 2019 Calvin students had at least one internship

  • Top 5%

    Calvin’s ranking among baccalaureate colleges whose graduates go on to earn PhDs

Career planning

Calvin’s Career Center is available to you from your very first year for you to begin planning your future. Not sure what major to choose? We’ll give you a strengths assessment and other tests to help you with your decision. Other services we provide include:


Real results

Calvin graduates live all over the world, living out Calvin’s mission to renew the world. Here are some of their stories:

How a business major turned two of her passions into an award-winning business plan—and a career.

Why Calvin’s engineering program was excellent preparation for an internship and full-time job at Boeing.

This English major’s Calvin education helped her land an internship at one of the largest Christian publishing companies in the world.

How a political science grad’s passion for social justice led her to Harvard Law School.

Nick Be standing with arms crossed

A well-rounded biochemistry major
A biochemistry grad embraced more than just research at Calvin.

Deborah Lew looks into camera

The liberal arts and Broadway
Can a liberal arts education really get you to Broadway? At Calvin, the answer is yes.

How an “inspiring, enlightening, and heartening” Calvin experience paved the way to Princeton Theological Seminary.

A media production graduate takes a crew to Iceland to create a magical film.

How one Calvin grad beat out thousands of applicants to get a dream job at Google.

In Their Own Words
Economics with a background in the liberal arts allowed me to sell myself as a Renaissance man鈥攁 little bit of everything. It taught me to think analytically. And not only am I confident speaking to older people, but people of any background, really.” David Rietema, Alumnus